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LyricFind is the world’s leader in licensed lyrics solutions and is trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry, including Amazon, Google, YouTube, Deezer, Microsoft, Soundhound, iHeartRadio and many others. LyricFind provides its partners with an extensive catalog of accurate and fully legal lyrics, licensed from all the ...

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Christine Brackenhoff

dope tracks: music’s favorite weed terms

With 4/20 just around the corner, cannabis fans everywhere are getting ready to enjoy their favorite day. LyricFind put together an infographic to provide one more way to celebrate the day, by compiling the top weed name-drops in music.

Marijuana is the most name-dropped term for weed in lyrics, with 774 mentions in songs like Beck’s “Nitemare Hippy Girl” and Frank Ocean’s “Nights.” Kush followed closely with 720 song mentions, and Cannabis rounded out the top three with 401 mentions.

Meanwhile, Sativa proves more popular than Indica in lyrics, with Sativa being mentioned 144 times in songs like Kodak Black’s “Acting Weird” versus 29 mentions for Indica in songs like Logic’s “Indica Badu.”

Check out how the rest of the weed terms stack up in LyricFind’s infographic.

About LyricFind
LyricFind is the world’s leader in licensed lyrics and has licensing from over 5,000 music publishers, including all the majors: Universal Music Publishing Group, Sony/ATV, Warner/Chappell Music Publishing and Kobalt. LyricFind has built a quality-controlled, vetted database of lyrics available for licensing and synchronized technology, servicing clients like Google, Deezer, Microsoft, Pandora, and many more.