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LyricFind is the world’s leader in licensed lyrics solutions and is trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry, including Amazon, Google, YouTube, Deezer, Microsoft, Soundhound, iHeartRadio and many others. LyricFind provides its partners with an extensive catalog of accurate and fully legal lyrics, licensed from all the ...

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Christine Brackenhoff

Lyrics Everywhere: LyricMerch lets fans wear, sip from, and even shower with the words to their favorite songs

There are those lines in songs that say it all, simply and perfectly. Now you can emblazon these lines on high-quality t-shirts, caps, mugs, and even shower curtains--and do it legally, giving back to your favorite songwriters and artists.

LyricMerch is a new consumer-facing lyrics service from LyricFind, the pioneering company that brought fully legal lyrics to search engines, lyric sites, and music streaming services around the world. LyricMerch draws on LyricFind’s database of millions of lyrics and allows fans to put over one hundred thousand licensed lyrics on a wide range of clothing and household items.

Just select the lines you’d like, format them as desired from an easy-to-use design interface, and the service will custom print your creation. Meanwhile, rightsholders get royalty payments for the use of their work.

“We see this as a win-win for songwriters and artists, and for fans who love their lyrics,” says Darryl Ballantyne, CEO of LyricFind. “LyricMerch also expands the income possibilities for lyrics rightsholders, helping them make the most of an asset that is growing in significance in the digital era.”

LyricMerch also offers a selection of pre-made designs from LyricMerch’s in-house design team, and will create original designs for artists or labels when they need unique merch for an upcoming release or tour. LyricFind will also partner with design-conscious artists and their teams, as well as social media influencers, to craft just the right product that reflects their vision and sound. At launch, LyricMerch is only available to users in Canada and the United States.

This is the first consumer-facing offering from the pioneers of lyric licensing. Founded over a decade ago, LyricFind has made it its mission to bring lyrics out of the shadows and into fully legal usage, turning what was once an industry loss leader into a true asset. Lyrics dominate music-related searches, direct fans to their favorite tracks, and promise to dominate voice command.

With LyricMerch, lyrics are poised to impact the world of style, as well. “Now that lyrics have been associated once again with recordings, it’s time for them to expand further,” says Catherine Fournier, LyricFind’s Marketing Manager “The most memorable part of many songs is now a new fashion statement.”