LyricFind is the world’s leader in licensed lyrics solutions and is trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry, including Amazon, Google, YouTube, Deezer, Microsoft, Soundhound, iHeartRadio and many others. LyricFind provides its partners with an extensive catalog of accurate and fully legal lyrics, licensed from all the ...
This Valentine’s Day, love is in the air. Around the globe, the lovelorn are searching for lyrics from hit songs to capture their emotions.
But lovers everywhere are drawn to different tunes. LyricFind analyzed the top trending lyrics about love in eleven different countries during the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day, to see what lyric searches said about local takes on Cupid’s handiwork. Sentiments ranged from erotic fascination to undying devotion.
What lyrics quicken the world’s pulse? In Spain, it’s the birds and the bees (NEIKED’s “Sexual” featuring Dyo is at the top of lyric searches). Italy takes on more of a protective love as Clean Bandit’s “Rockabye” details the enduring love of a mother for her child. In France, Brazil, and Canada, love causes heartbreak and lovesickness. In the US, Mexico, and the UK, enduring affection is what they’re looking for. Germany and Chile, on the other hand, relate more to a young, reckless and naive love. Down under, the Aussies are hooked on passion and lust.
Love may be universal, but romance comes in a thousand different lyrical shades.
About LyricFind
LyricFind is the world’s leader in licensed lyrics and has licensing from over 4,000 music publishers in 100 countries, including all the majors: Universal Music Publishing Group, Sony/ATV, Warner/Chappell Music Publishing and Kobalt. It has built a quality-controlled, vetted database of lyrics available for licensing and synchronized technology. Behind the scenes, LyricFind tracks, reports, and pays royalties to publishers on a song-by-song and territory-by-territory basis.